Oh Ménage a Trios…how do I love you? My evenings would not be the same without the nightly glass (or two…ish) to relax! No meal would be the same! My sangria would be naked!
I fondly refer to it as the gateway-red. Ménage a Trios is one of the most affordable and most delicious bottles of red wine you can find. If you have read my posts or follow me on instagram…you’ll notice the abundance of Menage a Trios in the photos! I seriously LOVE their wine! The table red is my no fail red wine for ANY meal, party, event or.. well day of the week! You can’t go wrong! Their rose is balanced and just sweet enough. Even their table white is a delight! Just had to make it rhyme BUT coming from a confirmed red wine drinker finding a white that I truly like is rare and to be celebrated!
Well I’m honored that not only did they post yesterday’s instagram photo of taco Tuesday in action (recipe STILL to come) on their Facebook page, but they also contacted me and asked if I would like to be their FIRST EVER TWITTER SUPER FAN!
Would I EVER!!! I’m HONORED! Pop the wine, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere and there will be celebration!! They’ll be announcing at 3pm so be sure you Follow them on Twitter to see the announcement in action and Like them on Facebook so you can check out their awesome fan photos and fun wall posts!! You’ll learn all kinds of fun ideas like the idea you’ll see at my next wine party! (see below)
“In honor of Wine Wednesday, let’s plan your next party – a wine party! There are so many options: blind wine tasting, regular wine tasting, food & wine pairing… We have an idea for a fun game you can play at your next party: Color one end of 5 corks blue. Fill a basket with 50+ corks (we know you have a lot!) and ask your friends to choose a cork. Those who pick the blue-end corks win wine charms or a corkscrew!”
What a day what a day! And wine Wednesday at that!! And, while I’m STILL excited about cooking up Ratatouille tonight for the first time, this announcement really takes the.. bottle!!
Cheers everyone! Happy Wine Wednesday & Almost Friday!!!

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