Thoughts Create Your Future

The future is going to start charging me rent. I’ve been sneaking in from time to time and realized that I might actually qualify as a squatter. I’m so focused on the what lifestyle I would like to have and what my dream career someday. I keep telling myself that I’m just poking around to window shop what’s and making sure that I’m on track to live that life… someday.

Patience is NOT one of my strong virtues. In reality, I’ve been “trying on” the future a bit too often and have started getting discouraged.So, I decided that instead of a recipe or review (of which I have an appalling amount that need to be posted!, I decided that a little daily inspiration was in order. I found the image below on Pintrest and decided to meditate on this quote:

Today's Reminder
Today’s Reminder





                   “Every thought we think is creating our future. ~ Louise Hay”







Are you seeing the opportunity of what lies ahead and how to create that? Or are you focused on the limitations that may or may not present themselves and deciding before you even face them that they can’t be overcome. This really made me stop for a moment. The mindset with which I was window shopping my future was not inspiring me to achieve it. My focus was on all the reasons why I can’t or won’t achieve my goals. As much as I desire it, I was setting myself up for failure without even giving it a fighting chance.

Your life is being written day by day, moment by moment, are you the author or is someone else holding the pen? ~ Author Unknown

Each day you have a free will and a choice with every situation and thought that arises. Each positive response or action gets you one step closer to where and who you want to be. It’s like putting a penny in your piggy bank.  You can’t always change what happens to you but you can change how you react to it.

Steps for Positive Thinking to Achieve your Goals

Do you have a goal you’re striving for?

Without the clarity of what your goal is, it’s nearly impossible to work towards achieving it!

How are you Window shopping your goals?
                What is your mindset for achieving that goal? Are you looking at the possibility or the limitations?

Are you feeding your piggy bank?
                Are you taking each moment and though, and investing it in becoming or achieving what you desire?


                                            We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. ~ Buddha

So, today I’m deciding to see the opportunity of my goals and dreams. I’m taking each thought and making sure I’m investing in my future. Thanks for the reminder Buddha…you’re a pretty smart guy!

What are some of your goals? Are you investing in achieving them?







I love Purpose Fairy’s 5 Easy Steps to Turn Your Life Into an Abundant Garden. That’s where I got the Lousie Hay quote above.

Do you Know yourself?

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
— Abraham H. Maslow

Stop. Look. Listen.

Step back from life and be alert of situations around you. Be aware of yourself, your responses, your thoughts and perceptions. Learn about who you are. Change what you feel needs to change to make you a better person and help you become the person that you wish to be. Keep your eyes on the prize…you’ll get there!

What are you made of?

There are times that life just spins you around, flips you you upside down, then pushes you over seemingly just to show you who’s boss. Situations will happen that are completely unexpected and often uncomfortable. Sometimes our choices are the catalyst of these situations and other times, well that just how the hand is dealt.

While these times of adversity are often extremely uncomfortable and stressful, they provide an incredible potential to be building blocks of our character. A phrase I’ve come to really appreciate is, “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” I read this phrase, believe it or not, on the back of the bread we buy (which is INCREDIBLE bread; Dave’s Killer Bread. If you get a chance to read his story here, DO so!) That phrase cuts to the core of what adversity truly is; an introduction to what you’re made of.

Hard times WILL come, and the only thing that you can control is how you respond to the situation. Don’t waste your energy worrying about things out of your control. Take it one step at a time. Ask yourself, in this moment or new few moments, what can I control. You’ll find that the only answer is, “my response.”

I challenge you to change your mindset on adversity. Often we view hard situations as something we have to try to “live” through. Instead, take it as an opportunity to roll up your sleeves and take a good look at who you are and what you’re made of. Trust yourself to handle each situation as it arises and remember, it will all work out. Not usually as you planned…but sometimes that opens the door to opportunities you had never even imagined.

When you just feel overwhelmed and need a reminder, revert to this picture, posted at right. Own those words and remember that it WILL be okay. Things WILL work out, we just have to keep our chin up and take one day at a time. Rachel always knows JUST what to say to cheer us up and encourage us to face the day and kick it’s butt! You can read her inspiration on her blog, Daily Peptalk From a Best Friend. (Direct link to picture at right found here).

You Are Not Carrie Bradshaw

Take a moment and read this GREAT post that a girlfriend passed along to me. Even though I have seen only one episode of Sex in the City (I know I know ladies, gasp away!) I am familiar with the story line and even more familiar with the true to life events and scenarios that Carrie faces during the show.

We all have mental struggles. We’ve all, at some point, created our own persona of who we “should” be, how we “should” act, and what job(s) and lifestyles that we “should” be living. (Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike the word “should”?) I’ve written a few letters like this to myself and have come to realize that when we battle ourselves in our own mind there is an unfair advantage of well, to put it physically, a syndrome similar to 1000 super charged psychotic bouncy balls in a confined space. Our mind is strong and plays tricks on us sometimes. But YOU ARE stronger!

Remember that YOU can choose WHO you want to be, how you respond and act, what you spend your time doing and how you spend your money resulting in a lifestyle of your choosing. Remember that you have the power to create what you desire, sometimes it just takes a little reminder like this. Sitting down and writing a letter like this out takes thought and commitment but it’s an investment in the most valuable thing you’ll ever own: your self-awareness.

You Are Not Carrie Bradshaw.