Breakfast is one of my favorite meals. I LOVE everything breakfast related…scones, muffins, breads, eggs, savory roasted veggies! There’s something so relaxing about a good cup of coffee to get your day started that can only be enriched by a delicious breakfast to accompany it! You might find it odd, then, that breakfast is one of the most stressful times of day for me during the week.
Living in Seattle I’ve grown accustomed to seeing grey drizzle outside which makes it THAT much harder to crawl out of a warm bed. Once I do finally drag my lazy butt out of bed the last thing that I want to do is race the clock to get out the door and off to start my day. The typical morning looks something like: WakeupgetreadygetbreakfastCOFFEEneedfood! This leaves me a ball of stress when it comes to breakfast during the week. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who needs some good, healthy and QUICK breakfast options! Well rest assured I’ve got your back!!!

I used to love grabbing one of the English muffin breakfast sandwiches from Starbucks because they were quick and mostly healthy. Until I realized one morning as I unwrapped that wonderful warm bag and got the first whiff of my toasted breakfast sandwich as I sunk my hungry little face into the sandwich…I have EVERY ONE of these ingredients at home! Why did I just pay $3 for something that I could have literally made so easily before walking out of the house. Getting on the budgeting bandwagon I decided that with some planning ahead I could have a delicious breakfast at home while staying budget and health conscious! It just takes a little planning ahead!

Off to the recipe boards I went googling, blog scouring, pintrest-ing away and here is a little showcase of the handiwork. Above you’ll see the English muffin breakfast sandwich from Macheesmo and I LOVE that he illustrates how you can make them ahead and freeze them! Such a time saver!! You can find the recipe here: Quick Breakfast Sandwiches from Macheesmo.
One of the best things I found to equip my kitchen for mornings was a little Egg plan! It was the PERFECT size for an English muffin breakfast sandwich! Simply heat the pan, scramble an egg and let it cook while toasting your muffin and continuing to get ready! SO EASY! One tip for the pan is that it can be a little larger than some English muffins so the egg will hang over the side of the bread a little which I actually don’t mind. Oh, and I’d only use one egg… two can get a little… souffle over the pan-ish! 🙂
My Pintrest Boards (if you need a little more inspiration):
- Quick & Easy Breakfast Ideas
- Brekky & Brunch
- Scones
- Doughnuts
- Muffins
- Pancakes, Waffles, Crepes
- Breakfast Breads, Cakes and Crumbles
Update: I JUST found 365 days of breakfast and I LOVE it!! LOVELY breakfast food photography that could make you hungry even after a Thanksgiving feast! I LOVE scrolling through their photos and getting some inspiration for breakfast meals!
And since we ALL love food pictures, here are a few other ideas for quick breakfasts: