Do you Know yourself?

“What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.”
— Abraham H. Maslow

Stop. Look. Listen.

Step back from life and be alert of situations around you. Be aware of yourself, your responses, your thoughts and perceptions. Learn about who you are. Change what you feel needs to change to make you a better person and help you become the person that you wish to be. Keep your eyes on the prize…you’ll get there!

You Are Not Carrie Bradshaw

Take a moment and read this GREAT post that a girlfriend passed along to me. Even though I have seen only one episode of Sex in the City (I know I know ladies, gasp away!) I am familiar with the story line and even more familiar with the true to life events and scenarios that Carrie faces during the show.

We all have mental struggles. We’ve all, at some point, created our own persona of who we “should” be, how we “should” act, and what job(s) and lifestyles that we “should” be living. (Have I ever mentioned how much I dislike the word “should”?) I’ve written a few letters like this to myself and have come to realize that when we battle ourselves in our own mind there is an unfair advantage of well, to put it physically, a syndrome similar to 1000 super charged psychotic bouncy balls in a confined space. Our mind is strong and plays tricks on us sometimes. But YOU ARE stronger!

Remember that YOU can choose WHO you want to be, how you respond and act, what you spend your time doing and how you spend your money resulting in a lifestyle of your choosing. Remember that you have the power to create what you desire, sometimes it just takes a little reminder like this. Sitting down and writing a letter like this out takes thought and commitment but it’s an investment in the most valuable thing you’ll ever own: your self-awareness.

You Are Not Carrie Bradshaw.