Positive Minds Live Positive Lives

I am continually amazed at how much power our mind holds. Sometimes changing your entire mood and outlook is really just deciding to making a mindful choice and willing yourself to feel differently.

Today, my mental outlook mirrors the color dominating Seattle today, grey. Just…simply grey. I’m finding myself with no energy, no drive, no real passion or goal that I’m chasing after today. While browsing the Fitness section on Pintrest (LOVING the site!) I saw this picture and it actually made me stop, re-read it twice and ponder how very true it is. I couldn’t wait to share it with all of you!!

This is SO true! Happy people act as such because they’re happy inside. Think of one person that makes you happy, or one person that when you think of them you smile because of their contagious laugh or positive mental outlook on life. Days, like emotions, come and go and some are harder to bear than others. But one thing remains true, YOU determine how you feel and thus, your mental outlook on life. Stop for a moment and take a mental check list of your passion, happiness and outlook on life. Are you living the life you desire? If not, what needs to change?

Make the choice to act the way you desire to act, even if you don’t feel like it right now, and you will naturally focus your energy on achieving it.

“I think, therefore I am” (Descartes )

If you need a little boost, check out the awesome site that the image above came from: http://positive-notes.tumblr.com/

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